
I just wanted to show off a couple of my completed knitting projects.   They have their flaws, but I’m improving every day.  I’m currently working on a few dish cloths and they are going really well….no holes, dropped stitches, or other mistakes!

These are completed scarves:





They are a little shorter than I would like, but they’ll work.  I can always make longer ones once I become a faster knitter.  I’d like to be able to whip out projects in a day or two, but these each took a couple of weeks – just knitting whenever I had free time.

I’m learning how to knit!


Two of my great friends came over last night to teach me how to knit.  I’m pretty sure that they have both been knitting for a couple of years and I was dying to learn!  It was so much fun!  We definitely gossiped talked way more than we knitted but I still learned the basics.  They were great teachers!   Not surprising of one, because she IS a kindergarten teacher! 🙂

The primary focus of this blog will continue to be cooking and baking, but I do intend to share my other homemaking endeavors periodically.  They will *hopefully* include:  gardening, canning and pickling, cleaning tips/schedules, various product (tools, gadgets, cookware, etc.) reviews, and of course, knitting! 

One topic I’m not sure of including is related to my day job – interior design. Although it may be fun to share design tips and tricks with you, I am leaning towards keeping that segment of my life separate to avoid totally burning out!  😛  But, on the other hand, as a typical newlywed homeowner, we do plan on doing some of our own home renovations down the road and I may want to document them here.  I may also want to share design tidbits that I find particularly useful along the way.  So, we’ll see which way the wind blows me day-to-day.

What would you like to see featured here?